
Tax Returns

Filing tax returns every year can be scary. The choices for filing are many: should you do it yourself? go to a “mass” tax return producer? hire a CPA firm? or come to Vital Systems? The right decision depends on you and your tax returns.

If you are a simple W-2 filer with no itemized deductions and have the ability to understand simple tax returns, you can probably file your own return. Nothing complicated. If, however, you have itemized deductions, rental property, own your own home or have your own business, you can benefit from hiring a professional. Vital Systems is your best solution. If your return is too complex for us, or outside our area of expertise, we will happily refer you to a CPA who specializes in your complexities. If we are helping with your business books, we can certainly complete your business returns, whether they are C or S corporations, LLC’s or sole proprietors.

Our tax specialists upgrade their eduction every year to keep on top of all new tax laws. We will provide you with all the benefits available to you as a legitimate business owner and taxpayer. You do not need to be a major conglomerate to participate in legal loopholes.

Costs for tax returns depends on the complexity of your return. We cannot provide a firm quote prior to completion, but we can give you good faith estimate.

How long do you have to keep business records?

W-9 form

Vital Systems, Inc.
113 South Main Street, Stillwater, MN 55082
Phone (651) 439-4134 – FAX (651) 439-4513