Financial Statements
Send us your monthly check register, credit card statements, bank statement and sales information (when applicable). Every month we will reconcile your bank statement, track your assets, prepare your sales tax report, prepare financial statements. At the end of the year, we will prepare a complete business package for your tax preparer (even if it’s not us!) including year-end financial statements with the reconciliation of all asset and liability accounts, and cumulative general ledger. Prices start at $50.00 per month – it all depends on the volume of checks written.
Accounts Payable
Are you tired of spending precious free time paying bills? Let us do it for you. We pay only what you approve and you can still sign checks and manage your money. Or, if you prefer, we can simply stamp your signature and mail your payments to make sure they arrive to your vendors on time. We are flexible and we understand small business.
Costs: $2.00 per check written plus time and charges.
Accounts Receivable
If you are a business that sends invoices to your customers, you may find it difficult to keep up with the regular task of accounts receivable. If you do not bill your customers (or the invoices are always mailed late), no money comes in, no vendors get paid…it’s a road best not taken. And sometimes the invoices get mailed but then you loose track of what customer paid what invoice. We can help. Seems complicated but we can simplify the process, improve your cash flow and help identify what customers are not paying. You still have to help, but we can make it easier so you can concentrate on what you do best.
Costs: Time and charges – call for estimate.
How long do you have to keep business records?
Vital Systems, Inc.
113 South Main Street, Stillwater, MN 55082
Phone (651) 439-4134 – FAX (651) 439-4513